Thursday, 6 September 2007

We will go again back to our darling Deadmau5, exactly to that, who most successfully succeeds to lead away us from classic musical
harmonies and approach to new synthetic. Simply electro already bothered pretty, a network is overcrowded by various "electrogarbage".  And at this time Deadmau5 creates shocking futuristichekie tracks. Why that it seems to me, that music of the future will not strongly differ from his today's compositions.
And so, planet Earth 2020 year, flight is normal.

We will begin with track with the symbolic name Francesco Diaz & Young Rebels - It's Our Future (Deadmau5 Remix).mp3

DEADMAU5 feat. MELLEEFRESH - Afterhours (Original Mix).mp3

DEADMAU5 - 1981 (Adam K Remix).mp3

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

The crystal method

About them written and said very much, "old men", we will say so, do not rest and slowly give us all new and new compositions. This command a sort of "Rolling stone" of electronic music. As for me, brightest representatives of musical style of "break beat", the fervent admirer of which I am.
And why -to seems that remained yet very much not wrighting in this musical direction. The crystal method occupy a deserving place in a row with fellows from "Fat boy slim", "Shemical brothers" and other masters. About them it is much written in a network. Biography, and similarly meeting with complete diskografiey of collective is possible on their official site of
And "grand-dads" it is ungiven produced a new album in 2007 under the name "Drive".
We will say so, all is high-quality, no remarks, in the best traditions of The crystal method.
To my mind, strongest composition from this album - Bad ass.mp3

Monday, 3 September 2007

Helen Grebenyuk (Ukraine)

It would be desirable to present a singer from Ukraine Helen Grebenyuk and composition of "Le Forze Del Destino", with which it won on a competition "Eurovideo-2006". Wonderful symbiosis of electronic music and opera vocal.
And all the same, it very beautifully, although modern creators of synthetic music and try to tear off a listener from musical harmony.
And so, aria of Mefistofel "Le Forze Del Destino".

Joachim Garraud

Well that it I all Ukraine, Russia, I think, time to touch Joachim Garraud came, to my mind today he is king, and name he already entered by gold letters in history of modern dancing, club, electronic music. And old men already went away on rest, and only from rare remind us of itself by high-quality albums, so that today there are not equal him. But it is my subjective opinion and take it easy on me with prosecutions. And David Guetta, for me only pale shade of king.

And it is his official page of, on which you will be able to know anymore about a legendary performer and similarly to listen his remarkable radioshow of Zemixx

Here this music indeed can tear tancpol. So be with it more cautiously :-))

And let us begin here from this composition, Space Invaders are Back.mp3
Very good thing.

well as to you, did please?
further we will put remiks of ancient theme which in the original not far yields to wonderful mix by Joachim Garraud. I even will lay out you an original, appears and our ancestors also could set a fire and tear danceflor. As the saying goes, DJ must not disfigure an original to not knowableness, but as experimental artist, only to underline his dignities, that to my mind perfectly it succeeded king.
Supernature.mp3 - it is miks

Supernature.mp3 - original

so, will go farther the track name Rock the choice. mp3

and "Whos your daddy", for those who by chance skipped something in this life.

Friday, 31 August 2007

Deadmau5 (Canada)

Time to touch such style of electronic music came now, as minimal. A lot of people which consider that the future exactly after this style appeared today. Honestly speaking, I while met not so much things in this style, worthy of note. Therefore I will present while the best, that succeeded to be found. A magician Deadmau5 creates very interesting works today. Therefore it would be desirable more detailed to stop on his creation.And in his compositions confusion gives an order finally.
And does this fellow can and there is the same messiah of style of minimal? We will see later.

As for Deadmau5.

Joel Zimmerman, except for Deadmau5 known also under the names of “Halcyon441” and BSOD, began the career in 1998 with radio of show of “The Party Revolution”. In 2004 he was invited to do remiks on track of “Pure” from the group of Orgy, which got on their last DVD “Trans Global Spectacle“. Then he participated in creation of compiling of “The Smirnoff Experience“, which spread among 300 thousand this swizzle lovers. Since he was noticed by steep producers and began him to untwist outside his native Canada.
He produced a few singlov under the name of Deadmau5, as though “Sex, Lie, Audiotape“, “This Noise“, “1981“, “Vanishing Point“, and a few remiksov on Nubreed, James Talk, Burufunk vs Carbon Community. And on spaces of the internet it is possible to find even him remiks on Daft Punk “Harder Better Stronger“.
From 2004 he also actively co-operates with the Canadian singer Melleny Melody, more known as Mellefresh. Their joint project Mellefresh&Deadmau5 produced a few interesting singls as though “Afterhours“,. “Whispers“, “Sex Slave“, “Cocktail Queen“. And in 2007 they produced two singls - “Something Inside Me” and “Hey Baby“.
In general Joel “Deadmau5" Zimmerman had time to produce the enormous amount of music which is played by the known deejays as though Pete Tong, John Acquaviva, Sebastien Leger and Nic Fanciulli. And lately he sat in a studio together with Chris Lake, so that it is possible to expect the heap of good music yet.

Now let us pass directly to the acquaintance with his creation

The Reward is Chease.mp3

Jaded (Original Mix).mp3

Calvin Harris - Merrymaking (Deadmau5 Vox).mp3

Deadmau5 & Glenn Morrison - Contact.mp3

Deadmau5 - Faxing Berlin (Original Mix).mp3

Nino Katamadze (Georgia)

This performer does not fall into the category of club music, it vocal jazz, but you owe it to hear. More detailed about it and its works you will be able to read on its official page of . And I would like you to present composition of Olei.mp3 from its joint with the group of "Ihsight" of album.
Very beautiful composition.
If will please you, can lay out et al its works.

DJ Anna Lee (Ukraine)

Dj Anna Lee. If in few words, it is the first Ukrainian girl deejay, practically as Lena Popova in
Russia. Styles? Progressive, trance.
So, with its biogrfiey more detailed to familiarize here, and its last releases can be got on the personal page of, well and I will lay out that trak from the side, which very pleased me.

Very pleasant theme.

what next one quite good track Catches your love.mp3

Pavliga & DJ Binokl (Ukraine)

We will go again to Ukraine, it would be desirable necessarily to present trek of these two some well fellows, which simply tore Ukraine. And so, No More Fucking Electro - first their joint vinil release which went out on Canadian leyble Bugeyed. So listen and enjoy. No more fucking electro shit!!!

This theme just and entered in their debut album of The World, which, I understand so, boys want to show the world the Ukrainian club culture. In an album the theme of Slava Flash got similarly - Ukraina remix Pavliga& DJ Binokl.

So listen and enjoy, it deserves Your ears.

Dj Ivan Roudyk (Russia)

And what created with a club culture for our Russian neighbours. I am and there deserving representatives of electronic music, more logical than all it would be to begin just with a man which on results the nomination of TOP 100 DJ on the version of for 2006 proudly occupies the first line. There you will be able to get the detailed information about his biography and creation, as well as on his official page of

Well that, now let us pass directly to his creation. And will begin with composition of Welcome To Moscow Halloween.mp3 , simply deserving and to my mind is most successful.

and second on meaningfulness his work of It's Miller Time.mp3

Slava Flash (Ukraine)

Well that, I think time to touch his creation came. Especially as it is been this musician what to be proud of. He is enough known, one of the best masters of electronic music of Ukraine, and his album of "Ukraina" for today, maybe, is the crown of his creation. The album of "Ukraina" will leave nobody indifferent, and that who so till today and did not touch to him, urgently recommend to do it right here and now. An album is absolutely high-quality, on anybody not alike, obeys in one gulp. Slava Flash firmly settled in the tops of rating of, where you will be able more in detail to familiarize with his biography. And our business to present his best creations, therefore rock free of charge mp3, in fact you searched it?

To my mind his the best trekom is Null godyn. mp3

then, I would put composition of Basicsystem.mp3

well and into honoured third place it is possible to put of the same name an album theme of Ukraina.mp3

Thursday, 30 August 2007

DJ Alfred (Ukraine)

It Dj knows not too many listeners, and the information on it in a "world i-net sink"  has not enough. As I have not found it in ratings http: // So the foreign listener in general can have an erroneous representation about this executor, at the best, well and in the worst in general any will not develop. Therefore to me will have to bring the modest mite in popularization of this author.
To me at last that was possible to find about it enough information on its promo-site registered already in an English domain zone http: // So read and enjoy, its admirers. There is a curriculum vitae and samples of its works are presented. You ask me and why DJ Alfred, instead of we shall tell DJ Конь. That is why that, its theme heard by me three years ago, has made upon me well very good impression.
To my shame I at all do not know the name of this composition, very few people heard it, but believe it it is worthy your ears. This track is presented № 3. Well and what to not spoil impression of this solar cheerful set, I spread also first two track.

track №1
track №2
track №3

DJ Sender (Ukraine)

And so, we shall pass from lyrics at last to worthy things of our century. I think it will be useful to get acquainted for visitors with creativity Ukrainean DJ's. It would be desirable to begin acquaintance directly with DJ Sender preference to which I today I give, in spite of the fact that the guy borrows the second line in ratings http: // I consider, that it chances to break through European and the world market, that it gradually proves. This guy managed to act on one stage with experienced masters. The biography and as its last achievements are presented on the above-stated resource, and as on its personal page http: //

Many speak, that he get a swelled head, but the god to it the judge, can be it deserv the conceit.
Therefore we shall pass directly to its creativity, here it, in my opinion, the best compositions.
In we wash a hit-parade composition Granit Phunk - Switch On Push Play costs on the first place:

The second place, and can also the first, it to whom as is pleasant, deserves Dj Ralph-To the Limits.mp3

It were, in my opinion, the most successful it tracks. As it is possible to present your attention composition Beloved. mp3

and, Operator.mp3

..3..2..1.. lets go

And so, from what to begin, with most it is actual now, and can from that was actually year or two back. I think, is better will begin with something establishing, for example, as to you Ella Fitzgerald with Summertime, I think there will be that, well I cannot begin the blog with trivial house or electro, I can not. Therefore be not surprised if I shall dilute club music with similar things that did not forget about sources, so to say. All greetings, here the reference to this eternal theme: